About Us
At Family Promise Chicago North Shore, we are dedicated to helping families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless get back on their feet and provide a stable lifestyle for their children.
Our People
How it works
We Have a Unique Solution
We keep families together. Traditional shelters often require men and older male children to separate from mothers and small children. We provide a safe environment where we can care for the whole family as a unit.
We Leverage Community Resources
We provide transitional shelter using the existing facilities of local congregations and organizations, making our model very cost-effective.
We bring people in need together with people who want to help. We provide the framework that turns compassion into action.
We Provide a Daytime Location
Unlike most shelter programs, we also offer our families a daytime location which provides them with a mailing address, job search resources, and a place to have their children picked up for school.
Keeping Families Housed
Last year we were involved in 700 calls with the goal of keeping families housed. These calls involved social service agencies, landlords and the families.
We Address the Root Causes of Family Homelessness
We provide supportive services tailored to each family to address the root causes of their homelessness. Through workshops, training, and counseling, each family develops a stabilization plan to prepare them for independence.

Our People
Open Positions
Operations Assistant
Program Manager
Partnering Congregations​
Am Yisrael Synagogue
Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah
Congregation Hakafa
Congregation Sukkat Shalom
Christ Church of Winnetka
Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church
First Congregational Church of Evanston
First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette
Glencoe Union Church
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Kenilworth Union Church
Northfield Community Church
Northminster Presbyterian Church
North Shore Congregation Israel
North Shore United Methodist Church
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church
St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church
St. James Armenian Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Saints Joseph & Francis Xavier Catholic Church
St. Nicholas Catholic Church
St. Norbert Catholic Church
St. Paul’s African Methodist Episcopal Church
Temple Jeremiah Synagogue
Winnetka Congregational Church
Winnetka Covenant Church
Winnetka Presbyterian Church
Board of Directors
Ms. Abra Berkley (Board President)
Mr. Rick Drake
Ms. Katie Hauser
Ms. Julia Joehl (Secretary)
Ms. Sharon Moise
Ms. Bessie Simmons
Mr. Steve Sudhoff (Treasurer)
Ms. Sylvia Ryba